Quality Homestay Placements

The staff at Oz Homestay strive to provide personal service to individual students, educational institutions, agents and homestay hosts.
The ultimate goal is to arrange caring, safe and comfortable accommodation for international students. Each placement is carefully selected by matching the requests and interests of our students to those of our registered families.
All homes have been inspected by our staff and working with children checks are carried out on all adults living in each household.
Oz Homestay endeavours to:
- Place students in a home, which is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, a safe and suitable home for the students.
- Ensure all students are placed in appropriate families taking students’ requests and interests into consideration and ensure all adults have undertaken the working with children screening checks in compliance with the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998.
- Ensure there are no more than three students per household.
- Provide ongoing support to homestay hosts and students as necessary.
- Advise homestay hosts and students of the expectations of homestay by means of orientation, written documents and information.
- Follow up any complaint made by the homestay students/hosts within 48 hours.
- Respect and be responsive to the beliefs and diversity of cultural requirements of homestay hosts and students.
- Have grievance procedures in-place and act with sensitivity and discretion when issues arise, in time of grief and trauma.
- Provide alternative accommodation arrangements if it is believed that the welfare of the student, or host, may be at risk.
- Interact effectively and co-operatively with students, parents, agents and education institutions and act openly and professionally in all dealings. Keep all possible communications open, honest, and appropriate to the situation.
- Maintain records of communications and incident reports relating to each student.
- Recognise that the homestay hosts may come from a variety of family compositions and cultural backgrounds and that these will not be the basis for acceptance or rejection in the placement process.
- Maintain the confidentiality of Homestay hosts and students’ right to privacy under the terms of Privacy and Discrimination Acts.